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About Me
Therapy Services
Contact & FAQ
A safe place where anyone can explore their emotions and thought patterns and where an objective ear can help navigate the root of the issue causing emotional distress.
We explore the traumatic events in one's life and remove them gently through the chakra line.
A gentle modality that involves gentle body touch and body part inquiry to identify and release any stored trauma which is held in the body
Are you looking to achieve personal or professional goals and improve life in any way?
A gentle modality that requires laying of the hands on the body.
A modality to uncover any memories or patterns that may have been experienced as trauma in another life.
A gentle modality that brings about a change in behaviour.
Aftercare counselling after returning from their plant medicine ceremonies to help with fully processing their experience.
A very spiritual week, a speed pass into your healing.
You will look at your shadow,
your soul and all the parts that make you, you.